Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


Kenyatta University Catholic Community. Prolife Movement. The life week 2021.

From the period starting 21st to 27th March 2021, the Kenyatta University prolife movement joined the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum(@KenyaCPF) and the Intercampus prolife fraternity together with individuals and organizations of goodwill who are at the forefront in enhancing and protecting human life, to mark the LIFE WEEK 2021; during life week we remind ourselves why life is sacred and why we should always protect it at all stages and among all people without discrimination of any nature. The following articles represent the views of different people that were able to participate in the  life week campaign. The overall message that is being centered at is the dignity and sanctity of human life and how it can be upheld. Welcome and as you enjoy your reading may you find in them a reason to appreciate and protect human life.

Shalom everyone, welcome to this presentation by the KUCCPROLIFE group, we will share with you about life week and prolife Lent practices.

Lent is a prolife event on it’s own way. This year 2021, we are marking the Life Week during this time to bring back the Prolife Lent where we are all invited to examine ourselves whether we are doing the right thing or not in the efforts to protect the precious gift of life given to man by God Himself.

In our age, the dignity of every human person from conception until natural death is under attack in what St. Pope John Paul II called a “veritable ‘culture of death’” [Evangelium Vitae/The Gospel of Life, #12]. Human life is valued according to a person’s status or usefulness to society, not according to their inherent dignity as beloved sons and daughters of God, who breathed into them the gift of life from the very heart of the Holy Trinity. Perhaps, then, this Lent we might consider bringing this pro-life aspect of the season to the forefront. During this Lent 2021,we have the life week campaign apart from the three usual items of Lent like prayer, fasting and alms giving. The life week started on 21st March and will end on 27th March.

The following are prolife activities and practices we can do during Lent.

  1. Pray for women in crisis situations or who have unwanted pregnancies, that they will recognize the wonderful position they are in as mothers of new and unique human lives, cooperators with God the Mother who brings all life into the world. Remind them how important they are. Help them to experience their situation as wonderful by refraining from all judgment and stigma, and offering only love and support no matter what the circumstances.
  2. Donate to charities that provide direct assistance to women in difficult situations, taking care of the medical, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of pregnant women, the elderly, any vulnerable person in society and their families.( here in KUCC we always say we are one family so we are not an exception, we have to learn to attend to our friends and check on them if they are okay , the point is let’s check on our friends and help them if in need.

Photo: courtesy of Voice of the Voiceless and @KUCCPROLIFE

  1. If you are a man and you get a woman pregnant, stand by her. Be responsible and don’t leave her on her own. Support her. For all of us, let’s encourage a culture of men who are responsible and unselfish.
  2. Don’t judge women who have had an abortion. God’s mercy and understanding are perfect. Pope Francis emphasized this during the Year of Mercy by extending the sacramental power to forgive abortions to all priests, a power which he has extended indefinitely. Instead of judging, support organizations like Pearls and Treasures Trust that assist women who have chosen abortion and regret it.. This organization helps women to get back to their lives and feel fit again mentally and psychologically. You can always get in touch with them on the internet or get connected through prolife in the contacts that we will share later in the article.
  3. Continue to support and defend the dignity of every life after birth, whether wealthy or on welfare;; whether black or white, whether fully functional or having special needs; whether able to work or requiring assistance; whether Catholic or Muslim or Jew or atheist; whether old and sick or young and healthy. Pro-life means ALL life.
  4. Be a voice for the Voiceless and a vote for life by opposing the death penalty, assisted suicide, and euthanasia. Be present to those who are sick and dying, and who may feel useless and a burden. Show them there is no such thing. They matter to the end. They matter eternally.
  5. Teach children about the God-given dignity of every person, be involved in their lives and teach them good moral values, and support. Our little brothers and sisters need our care and compassion and guidance. Let us make them understand the virtues of Christian living and the importance
  6. Last but not least, let’s abide by the covid-19 regulations and guidelines. Let’s protect one another, wear masks properly and sanitize and also keep the social distance. Covid-19 is a non-abortions’ prolife issue that is adversely affecting human life globally and we all need to take care of ourselves and everyone around us.

Lent should be a time of conversion. Our culture needs to be converted desperately, and each of us needs conversion as well. We move the culture best when we turn away from sin in our own lives and turn to Christ more perfectly. Let’s see if we can do better. Then, by Easter, by the grace of God working in us and with us, we may become more credible witnesses to the Gospel of Life. Shalom.

Life is precious, defend it.

Article @ Tonny Namasaka and @ Agnes Mwikali @KUCCPROLIFE @INTERCAMPUS prolife

“Abortion is actually Human Sacrifice. Being Christian is being pro-life. Killing of innocent persons is not compatible with our faith.” Dr Wahome Ngare.



Quote @KenyaCPF


 Mtu anakufa na njaa halafu watu wanachinja ngomb’e Kwa mazishi,

Shida ama success ya mtu huanza na Mtu   akianza kuangalia watu,

Watu watasema nini?

Watu watafanya aje?

Wacha tufanye hii tuone kama itabamba watu?

Watu,watu,watu watuuuu!!!!

Hawa watu unajaribu kuimpress,

Watakukupea stress

Yenye Inaweza kutuma Kwa grave express,

Watu wamefanya unakuja Kwa nyumba lakini haufeel at home,

Yaaani Watu wanafanya Unaishi Kwa nyumba yenye rent ni mingi kuliko your income,

Na ukikufa wataenda kukuzika wakisema vile hauna nyumba oshago,

TV Kubwa Kwa wall unawish kujiona ndani na yet uko na kioo  juu unaogopa kujiangialia juu vile watu huwa wanakuangalia,

Kila mtu anaishi akiangalia watu,

wanakula nini,

ugali ama Biriani,

wanavaa nini,

long skirt ama mini,

pajama ama bikini,

Hizi zote zinakustress Kwa nini

na yet kuna watu wanakudhamini,

Kikombe ni kikombe content ndio tafouti,

Dunia inadefine watu not kitu unajua but na wale watu unajua,wale watu wanakuja wanaweza kujenga ama kuangusha,

Watu wameweka fence Kwa game park ndio wazuie wanyama yet wanalipia kuenda kuona wanyama na wameweka fence Kwa nyumba kuzuia binadamu so ni nani mnyama.

 Watu, watu, watu,

 Hii ni ya kila mtu ana value watu wee ni shujaa,

 Kama haufanyi for watu pia wewe ni shujaa,

 Kama haushtuliwi chenye watu watasema ama kuona wewe pia ni shujaa.

 Happy Mashujaa Kwa kila mtu mwenye ameamua kuwa yeye bila kujali chenye watu watasema.

 Sabu wewe ni kama miraa kuna watu watutafuna na mwishowe watakutema,

 It’s about time uwaambie umegraduate from Miraa to Mirror wakikuona wanafaa kuwa wanajireflect sababu wewe ni shujaa.







Maisha,maisha zawadi au kipaji? Maisha tunu au natija kuu kwa mwanadamu? “Nilipokuumba nilikuwana nia njema sana na maisha yako,nasema Bwana,lakini kutokana na matendo na njia zako zenye nia mbaya,ukasogezwa mbali na kibali changu kwako”

Tumejipenda sisi tukashindwa kupenda,tumejijali sisi tukashindwa kujali,tumejiona sisi tukashindwa kuona.Matokeo na matukio yake,tukakosa kuheshimu,heshima tu? La, Nini?Tukakosa kuheshimu maisha,maisha ya kipekee,tunu kuu aliyotutunuku mwenyezi mungu,kwanini lakini? Mbona kujali maisha yetu tu ila si ya kiumbe kingine chenye utu,damu na urazini,binadamu kwanini?

Waraka wa kwanza wa Mtume Yohana mlango wa pili mstari wa tisa (John 2:9) wanena vipi, “Wale wasemao wa katika mwanga,ila wanachukia ndugu zao wa katika kiza na hadi sasa” Je, si sisi wakristo watakatifu waliotakata ,wenye kusali, kufunga na kupata ndimi,lakini sasa tukajipenda na kupenda maisha yetu kwa kuyachukia ya wenzetu,tunaojidai tu katika mwanga kweli? Tutastahili zawadi gani,tutastahili adhabu gani?

Ewe ndugu yangu mkuu,unahisi vipi kupenda,kushiriki tendo,hatimaye ukawahi kiumbe chenye uhai kwa hiari ya kitendo ulichotenda,kisha uchukie kiumbe hiki ukisababishacho,kama jibu la tendo ‘tamu’ uliloshiriki.Kwa ghadhabu ukakitoa kwa kuavya ilikuepuka aibu,fedheha,kulinda umbo,kulinda heshima,kulinda wema,wema wa udhalimu.Hivi vyote kwa mwenyezi mungu umevilinda? Utastahili zawadi gani?

Hisia zikakusuta,ukabaka,ukafurahia,ukaondoka,tokeo la tukio hili,mwana akazaliwa kwa mazingira yasiyopangiwa tena magumu,mwenye kumzaa kashindwa kumlinda kwa kutompangia,aidha pia kaapa kumuavya,au kamzaa na kumtupa kusudi afe,au kamkuza kidogo hatimaye kamtelekeza,akateseke mtaani,Ooh my God! Utastahili adhabu gani?

Si katika ujauzito tu na ubakaji na uavyaji tu.Ni mara ngapi umeshindwa kumthamini yatima kwa kuepuka gharama usiyopangia akafa njaa hatimaye? Na kwa wajane na maskini je? Kwa wenzetu maskini wa familia je? Hawa ni baadhi ya wachache kati ya wengi wenye kutuhitaji kusudi kuokoa maisha,maisha tunu kuu alotutunuku mungu.

Leo niombapo na kujikuta katika ulimwengu wa roho,nasikia sauti,sauti za kuomboleza,sauti changa,waliotiliwa sumu wafe waondoke na kuondoa mzigo kwa waliowategemea,walioaga kwa tendo la kuavya,waliokufa kwa wivu wa bidii yao na wengine wengi tu waliokufa bila hiari.Damu yao inalia,inaomboleza,haikujiandaa kumwagwa.Yote haya ni kutokana na mawazo dhalimu ya watu,tutastahili adhabu na zawadi gani?

Kanisa takatifu katoliki linapinga kwa ustadi kabisa mbinu za kisasa za kupanga uzazi,Ni kinyume na mipangilio mahsusi ya mungu juu ya maisha,ila mbona wakatoliki wakamilifu tunasaliti na kutenda kinyume na Imani yetu? Imani na maelekezo ya kulinda maisha.Samueli wa kwanza mlango wa kumi na tano msitari wa ishirini na mbili (1 Samuel 15:22) “Ni nini anachopenda Mungu,heshima au sadaka na kafara takatifu?” Bila shaka heshima ni johari kuu.Tuheshimu Imani yetu,Imani ya kuheshimu na kulinda maisha yetu makuu na ya wenzetu,maisha Johari kuu,dhahabu na ya thamani.

Na kama tumekosea tayari je katika hili? Tupo bado katika Imani,Mungu wetu ni wa msamaha iwapo tutamrudia kwa msamaha wa kweli.Tumrudie kwa toba kuu ya kweli na kuushika mwenendo mwema.Anatukumbusha katika maneno ya Yoeli mbili,kumi na mbili hadi kumi na tatu (Joel 2:12-13) “Lakini hata sasa asema Bwana nirudieni mimi kwa mioyo yenu yote.Rarueni mioyo yenu wala si mavazi yenu mkamrudie Bwana Mungu wenu.”

Article @Samuel Ekessa Khaemba @KUCCPROLIFE @INTERCAMPUS prolife




Photo: prolife members pose for a photo after an event. Photo credit : @KUCCPROLIFE


My work is clear cut out, to uphold, defend and protect human life. What has God called you to do?

Dr. Jean Kagia, Kiota Children Homes.

Life is sacred and should always be protected in all stages and among all people without

discrimination. We as students are standing to ensure no life is terminated and no life is aborted.

Note @Tonny Namasaka @KUCCPROLIFE @INTERCAMPUS prolife

Quiz by @KUCCPROLIFE ; If you had to make a choice between human rights and human life, what would you choose? Why?

Responses :

  • N. Ndirangu, human life. Because without human life there can be no human rights. I choose what comes first and what is more important.
  • Amos Maloba, human rights. Because it is in human rights that human life is safeguarded.

What can be your answer to the question above?

Write your answers in the comments section.





phone 0799377759



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