Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025



St. perpetua and felicity members dance during mass on sunday of the word of God


Saint Perpetua and Felicity is a Small Christian Community (SCC) under Christ the Teacher Chaplaincy of Kenyatta University. We are  otherwise known as the purples owing to the color of the T-shirts of the SCC. Our mantra as a family is “Perseverance to the end,” this has been the driving force of the members since time its inception and we can as well boast of some notable individuals out here.




Members of this great family are primarily from Ngong hills hostels and Ruwenzori, however, we boost of members from not only other hostels but also periodical visits by our alumni. Our members are drawn from diverse areas of residence: others from halls of residence and others who are non-residents within the campus. Once You have joined the Family, the love shared there, will make you stick to the end despite the fact that you may change residents.




A good institution must be governed by some rules and our family is not an exception. We as the purples believe in freewill so long as it does not extend to infringement of other people’s liberty or spread of hate. We also believe in respect for each member not only of family but also each member of the society. We also feel obligated as members to be charitable right from our houses to the rest of the world and thank God, our able leadership does that.




Like any other family, Saint Perpetua and Felicity boasts of a leadership made of  an astute coordinator and a quick witted Vice coordinator. However, we as a family dropped those hefty like titles and settled to referring to them as Dad and Mom, a thing the leadership has always proven each academic and each reigning regime. Our Current Coordinator is Yusuf and Brenda is our Vice Coordinator. We also have a Treasurer to keep our little finances on records and we have other officials.




Being a big family, our SCC is further divided into smaller families made of at least five people each. The main purpose of this is not only to reach out to each member but also to take care of the welfare of each one of them. These families are: Seat of Wisdom, Gate of Heaven, Mirror of justice, House of Gold, Prince of Peace, Morning star and Tower of David. Besides being there for the purposes of reaching out to members and looking into their welfare, these smaller families are also there for the purposes of spiritual nourishment.




Owing to our diversification both in the field of specialization and backgrounds, our family enjoy the monopoly of a plethora of talents and skills.  We not only have poets, models, singers, and footballers but we also have writers, athletes and many other. This can be ascertained by our well ranking performances in most of the competitions we engage in as a family.




To solidify our membership base, our Family always has an end of semester bash. The main purpose of this is to bring together members of the family and their friends to cool of the pressures of the hectic semester we occasionally have and also to get a chance to get acquainted with one another. The end of semester bash is more of a fun day but it is simply educative in its totality and helps us to engage in candid and honest discussions, whose ultimate goal is to ensure the well being of each member. Well if you are looking for an SCC to join in KUCC, then we tell you, Your Search for an SCC has come to an end. Please purpose to join us on Wednesday from 6.30 pm around the Church Compound.