Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

First Aid Group

First Aid group 2023

First aid is a group under Kenyatta University Catholic Chaplaincy (KUCC). This group was mainly formed to cater for the needs of Christians belonging KUCC, and ensure their safety at church.

The group provides first aid services for minor illnesses or injuries, primarily for the congregants of KUCC during all the chaplaincy’s activities, but especially during Sunday masses. The group facilitates timely referral to the university health unit for congregants with severe illnesses or injuries beyond the scope of first aid.

First Aid group holds their meeting at Seminar room as from 6.30 pm every Monday.

The group has 65 registered members with 27 members being active in terms of attendance and participation during Sunday masses. Group members of the group are drawn primarily from the student community of KUCC.

The group’s leadership comprises of 5 positions, that is:

Moderator,- Ian Onyango (+254 703 155073)

Vice Moderator,

Treasurer, Secretary,

Vice Sectary.