Mon. Feb 24th, 2025



Each year, in the church, the beginning of the Holy season of lent is marked by the Ash Wednesday. This year Ash Wednesday fell on 26th day of February, immediately after the throre Tuesday. Whereas Ash Wednesday is seen as a day of obligation; but rather christians are urged to go for the daily mass.

During the mass, just after the priest comes to the end of his homily I which is usually based on a penitential and reflective nature, welcomes the congregation to come before the altar upon which ashes are applied on their forehead as the priest says, ‘Repent and believe in the gospel’  or, ‘Remember that you’re dust,and to dust you shall return’. These ashes which are applied in the shape of a cross,do not show our holiness but rather our mortal nature and our grief and mourning for our sins.

The ashes are prepared by burning palm branches used in the previous palm Sunday, this links the beginning of the years Lenten season with the past years.

Why Ashes? The imposition of ashes on Ash Wednesday is a reminder of our death. It is a symbol of sorrow for our sins. In addition to this, ashes were used even in the old testament as a sign of their repentance, asking God to have mercy on them.


  1. When prophet Jonah preached in the city of Nineveh, “He rose from his throne,laid aside his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes”. Jonah 3:6
  2. “All the Israelite men, women and children fell prostrate in the front of the temple and sprinkled ashes on their heads, afterwards, “The Lord heard their cry and saw their distress”

Each time when the people sprinkled themselves with ashes, and repented, the Lord would hear their cry and spare their destruction.

And this is also a reason as to why we also follow the same.

Pole Francis on his homily during Ash Wednesday reminds us that, “We are dust in the universe,yet we are loved by God. And that we are a precious dust that is destined for eternal life”.

As christians therefore let us strive to reconcile ourselves to God during this holy season.



By kimanzi Elizabeth


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