Well, how nice it is to belong and to have a home away from home where you can have a mother, father, sister and brother? We say form “ni kubelong na kubelong ni kuattend.” In KUCC, there are SCC’s (small Christian communities) which are smaller units of the larger society of Christ the teacher chaplaincy.
St. Francis is one of them, blue being their color and identity, instruments of peace being their key motto, singing and dancing being how they exalt God’s name. It is an SCC that accommodates people from Nyayo zone and absolutely not blocking anyone out. They, as a big family, had their fun day on 4th September where they enjoyed and shared vibes on vibes. They celebrated their unity throughout the academic year and their ability to grow not only in numbers but also in faith. They participated in a number of fun and involving activities like dancing, singing, running, eating competition among others.
As are attributes of their patron, St Francis of Assisi, they portrayed kindness and humility by all sharing a meal together. Well it was a rock and roll day for all of them, their faces could tell the whole story. MAY THE LORD MAKE US INSTRUMENTS OF HIS PEACE
By Julia Wanjiru