Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Welcome to Christ the Teacher Catholic Chaplaincy – the Kenyatta University Catholic Community.

Praise be the Lord Jesus Christ!

I am excited to welcome you back to Kenyatta University Catholic Community for the new academic year 2024/2025. I pray and hope that you had a well-deserved vacation, internship, teaching practice or trimester. I look forward to supporting you throughout this academic year and beyond. I invite you to explore the various opportunities our chaplaincy offers for your spiritual and personal growth.

Despite the political, economic and social challenges in our country at the moment embark on beginning the semester with hope and resilience. Focus on the core value of your being at Kenyatta University, namely your academic sojourn. The Catholic Chaplaincy will continue offering you a unique opportunity to grow in faith, build lasting relationships, and engage in meaningful service. Our community is here to walk with you, offer support, and help you navigate your university experience with a sense of purpose and belonging. Henri J. M. Nouwen sees the role of Spiritual Leaders in providing guidance and support as geared to help people discover their own unique relationship with God.” (The Wounded Healer). The leaders at the Chaplaincy and myself will warmly and boldly hold your hand towards Jesus Christ.

Let me remind you that at Kenyatta University we are privileged to have four Chaplaincies domiciled in the Directorate of Student Affairs. 1. The Muslim Chaplaincy. 2. The Seventh Adventist Chaplaincy. 3. The Protestant Chaplaincy and & 4. The Catholic Chaplaincy. All the Chaplains collaborate and work together for the wellbeing of all the learners.

We will continue to enhance our activities at Kenyatta University Catholic Community (KUCC) such as: Counseling sessions and Welfare, charity work, career talks, leadership training and team building, spiritual growth through daily Mass, Small Christian Community and groups meetings, catechism classes, confession just to mention a few. The letter to the Hebrews guides us: “Let us be concerned for each other, to stir a response in love and good works. Do not absent yourself from your own assemblies, as some do, but encourage each other; the more so as you see the Day drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25-26). St Paul further encourages us “Bear one another’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)

At KUCC we work closely with the Directorate of Student Affairs and the entire Kenyatta University fraternity to ensure and support a holistic approach to our learners. Our collaboration aims to integrate our chaplaincy services with university-wide initiatives, enhancing the overall student experience and ensuring that your needs are met comprehensively.

I am here to walk with you on this journey and encourage you to become an active member of our chaplaincy – Chris the Teacher: “We have one Teacher, the Christ” (Mathew 23:10). If you have any questions or wish to get involved in our activities, please do not hesitate to reach out.

At KUCC, we are one family and are guided by the clarion call:

#form ni kubelong, na kubelong ni kuparticipate .

Welcome once again to the Kenyatta University Catholic Chaplaincy. May this year be filled with growth, grace, and abundant blessings.

Fr. Dr. Boniface Kariuki
