COMPOSITION: The SCC consists of students from eastern zone and is made up of seven families.
SCC MEETINGS AND FAMILIES’ MEETINGS: The SCC has been meeting at Sc08 every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00pm.
In the meetings, we discuss issues that concerns our SCC and information conveyed to us from parish by representatives from various committees.
Families meet once a week and they have been playing a big role in bonding the SCC together.
EXECUTIVE; Members of the executive consists of the following;
1.Kelvin Thuo- moderator – 0796193026
2. Claudia Wendy- vice moderator
3. Mercy Chege- secretary
4. Maxwell Murutu – Treasure
5. Celestine Mbithe- vice secretary
6. Celine Ruto- CJPC female rep
7. Jacob okumu -Male CJPC REP
8. Elizabeth Mulei – Liturgist
9. .Oseko Edwin – liturgists
10. Peter Mbithi- Assistant liturgist
St. Michael officials 2023/2023
Activities of the Scc
- Animate masses as scheduled by the parish liturgical parish
- Engage in charity activities every semester
-The SCC comprises of students from eastern zone. It has a total of 70 students and is made up of 6 families.
St. Michael SCC family guardians 2023/2024
– Each family consists of about 12 members. The families meet once a week at their respective places as planned by the members for prayers and other activities. This helps in the growth of both spiritual and social life as a Christian.
-The SCC meets on Wednesday at Science complex(Sc) 08 which is located between OML and the post modern library, the SCC starts at exactly 6.30p.m for prayers, bible sharing and other constructive activities. The meeting ends at exactly 8.00 p.m.
– As a team we have a uniform which is a blue t-shirt printed our group name and the motto. The t-shirts helps in the easier identification and uniformity in church activities and also as we animate mass.