Sun. Mar 9th, 2025




St Catherine of Siena is a small Christian Community in Kenyatta University Catholic Chaplaincy. It is an integration of special needs students who are Catholics and non-special needs Catholic students. The SCC is further divided into four families which act as the smallest basic fundamental unit of spiritual growth and social interaction; each family is headed by the family guardian who coordinates and plans all the activities of the family. The family meetings are held weekly in a rotary basis among the family members. The SCC holds its meeting every Wednesday from 6:30am within the Church compound as scheduled by the Parish Liturgical Committee.

The activities of the SCC include: Charity Works, Daily and Sunday Mass Animation as programmed by the Parish Liturgical Committee. Other activities of the SCC are: spiritual guidance and psychological counseling of the needy members, discussion of the Catholic liturgy, fun day and bash. The SCC also assists the needy members.

Below is the list of SCC Executive for the 2021/2022 Academic Year:

1.Hosea Kiplagat – Coordinator.  0717550500

2.Lucy Aluoch- Vice Coordinator.

3.Otieno Ogaga Vincent- PPC Representative.  0723441234

4.Beatrice Obwong’- CJPC Representative.

5.Sospeter Murithi- CJPC Representative.

6.Lucy Njora- Secretary.

7.Pauline Oyula- Treasurer.

8.Benjamin- Liturgist.

The officials usually meet fortnightly to bespeak and plan various activities of the SCC on behalf of the members.

Programme of the SCC

6:30pm- 6:55pm- Rosary prayer.

6:55pm-7:00pm- Praise and worship.

7:00pm-7:20pm- Bible Reading and Sharing.

7:20pm-7:25pm- Prayers of the Faithful.

7:25pm- 7:35pm- Activity of the Day.

7:35pm-7:40pm- Announcement and final prayer.

Prayer of Saint Catherine of Siena

Most Holy Spirit, source of unity in the Blessed Trinity, through the prayers of Saint Catherine, may the Church always be a sign of unity in faith and morals under the leadership of the Holy Father, the divinely chosen authority who speaks in the name of Jesus Christ. Who with the Father and the Son lives and reigns forever. Amen.

The S.C.C has a total of sixty registered members who are committed to the activities of the S.C.C; and also bona fide parishioners of KUCC. Among the members are students with special needs in Kenyatta University who are Catholics; they are actively incorporated and involved in all activities of the S.C.C which include mass animation and charity works.

The S.C.C has a pink T-shirt which creates uniformity and unity among members especially during the activity of the group. It also gives us a sense of identity in KUCC.

St. Catherine of Siena has four families which act as the foundation of the S.C.C. The families offer a platform for spiritual growth and healthy social interaction among family members. Each family comprises of a minimum of 10 members; and each family is headed by a family guardian. All the family meetings are held every Sunday on a rotary basis from 5:30pm. The families include:

  1. St Theresa of Calcutta
  2. St Peter and Paul
  3. St Ann
  4. St Rita

Activities of the S.C.C

  1. Mass animation as scheduled by the parish liturgical committee.
  2. Charity Work which we carry out every semester. We visit Children’s Homes and special need students within the institution.

This semester we visited HOPE CHILDREN’S HOME for the abandoned babies and children in Roysambu on 29th February 2020.


At the S.C.C level, we discuss the liturgy of the Catholic Church and social issues in the society. We also conduct activities such as African culture, Bible trivia and debates.